Keen Manufacturing Inc. provides high quality pressure relief valves and safety valve couplings

Pressure Relief ValvesPressure Relief Valves

Developed to provide accurate, positive control of air, gas and vapor pressures. KEEN pressure relief valves are available in pre-set models from 2 PSI to to 26 ±1 PSI. Units are permanently set at the factory and secured to prevent altering or disassembly.

Supplied with either 1/4", 3/8", or 1/2" standard pipe threads. KEEN valves are of brass construction with a bright nickel finish and withstand U.S. Gonernment salt spray tests.
Operating temperatures of the valves range from -40 °F to +180°F.
KEEN Pressure Relief Valves meet U.S. Military specifications for use in rigid, pressurized storage and shipping containers.

KEEN Manufacturing Inc.
Pressure Relief Valve
Diagram and Specification Chart

Pressure Relief Specs.

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